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Breakout Speaker
Lt Col Michael E. Joanos
LeMay Center
Games at Air University
Lt Col Michael E. Joanos is the Deputy Director of the Air Force Wargaming Institute, LeMay Center, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. Lt Col Joanos is responsible for the development and execution of educational and operational wargames in support of twelve Air University courses, five Services and four Combatant Commands.
Lt Col Joanos graduated from the United States Air Force Academy in 2005. Lt Col Joanos is a Command Pilot with more than 4,000 flight hours and 1,200 combat hours. He has held qualifications as a RQ-4 Evaluator Pilot, AOC IQT Evaluator and C-17 Evaluator Pilot. During his career, he has supported numerous contingency operations to include Operations Enduring Freedom, Operation Inherent Resolve, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn. Most recently, Lt Col Joanos served as the Commander of the 99th Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron, Al Dhafra Air Base, United Arab Emirates, where he led combat operations providing USCENTCOM, USAFRICOM, USEUCOM and National Command Authorities unmatched near real-time intelligence and command and control capabilities utilizing three RQ-4 aircraft variants.